The Cat Scrunchie Bird Protector is designed to help protect birds in your garden and neighbourhood from the natural hunting instincts of your cat.
Now with Shiny Holographic Tape
The tape provides a reflective surface in contrast to the ruffle collar colours that catches the light in a different manner and effortlessly attracts the attention of birds, thwarting your cat's bird hunting activities.
How do cat collar scrunchies stop cats from catching birds?
Birds are genetically predisposed to look for bright colours when looking for food and they will therefore see this brightly coloured Cat Scrunchie ( and that it is a cat) moving much earlier and have time to move away rather than be ambushed.
Why don't bells work to keep birds safe from cats?
Cats can learn to move smoothly while hunting to keep even loud cat collar bells silent, making them ineffective at protecting birds from cats. Your cat can't work around wearing the Cat Scrunchie as the bright colours can't be silenced. Most birds that are likely to be killed by cats have eyes on the sides of their heads, allowing for constant horizontal peripheral vision of 300-340 degrees or more, and 180 degrees vertically, alerting them to bright colours from most directions without having to move their heads.
Want to read more on the research of cat scrunchie effectiveness at protecting birds?
Enjoy this article about cat scrunchies protecting wildlife from hunting cats:
This Cat Scrunchie is designed to be held in place with a standard quick-release collar so that your cat is still safe if it is caught on any branches etc in the garden.
Cat collars are sold separately here
Cat Scrunchies come in two types to suit the thickness of your cat's fur:
LONG-HAIRED (which is slightly wider to be seen over all the fluff)
Protect your cat from cars at night: Scrunchies are available with reflective tape here
Cat Scrunchie Bird Safe Collar Accessory Features
100% cotton and fully washable.
Name Labels
All Cat Scrunchies come with a name LABEL attached to add your contact details so your cat &/or scrunchie can be returned if lost and found.
This collar has reflective holographic tape to increase light reflection. If you want increased reflective strength, helping with seeing your cat at night, then please select the Reflective Tape version here.
Anti-bird Collar Accessory
Scrunchies attach to your cat's quick release collar to keep your cat safe. If your cat's collar isn't quick release, you can purchase these separately here.
"Just wanted to let you know how successful the scrunchie has been. We've gone from one or two birds daily, declining to one a week and more recently, zero dead bodies in the bedroom for many weeks.
We have never had a cat that hunts like Minnie so it was very distressing. Your colourful collar is an absolute success. Thank you."
Linda Parker"