Cat Scrunchies
The Cat Scrunchie Bird Protector is designed to help protect birds in your garden and neighbourhood from the natural hunting instincts of your cat.
Now with Shiny Holographic Tape
The tape provides a reflective surface in contrast to the ruffle collar colours that catches the light in a different manner and effortlessly attracts the attention of birds, thwarting your cat's bird hunting activities.
How do cat collar scrunchies stop cats from catching birds?
Birds are genetically predisposed to look for bright colours when looking for food and they will therefore see this brightly coloured Cat Scrunchie ( and that it is a cat) moving much earlier and have time to move away rather than be ambushed.
Why don't bells work to keep birds safe from cats?
Cats can learn to move smoothly while hunting to keep even loud cat collar bells silent, making them ineffective at protecting birds from cats. Your cat can't work around wearing the Cat Scrunchie as the bright colours can't be silenced. Most birds that are likely to be killed by cats have eyes on the sides of their heads, allowing for constant horizontal peripheral vision of 300-340 degrees or more, and 180 degrees vertically, alerting them to bright colours from most directions without having to move their heads.
Want to read more on the research of cat scrunchie effectiveness at protecting birds?
Enjoy this article about cat scrunchies protecting wildlife from hunting cats: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-03-20/scrunchies-prevent-wildlife-death-study-finds/6337222
"Just wanted to let you know how successful the scrunchie has been. We've gone from one or two birds daily, declining to one a week and more recently, zero dead bodies in the bedroom for many weeks.
We have never had a cat that hunts like Minnie so it was very distressing. Your colourful collar is an absolute success. Thank you."
Linda Parker"
Does my cat need to wear a collar to wear a Cat Scrunchie ?
Yes, the Scrunchie is held in place by having a normal quick release collar threaded through it.
Will any Cat collar work in the Scrunchie ?
Yes any cat collar will work, however I always recommend only using a quick release collar for cats to avoid injury as it will break open if it gets caught on anything (eg a tree branch).
Does the size of my cat matter when choosing a Cat Scrunchie ?
No, the Scrunchies are designed to fit all cats the only difference is the length of fur your cat has - long haired cats need a little more width on the Scrunchie to be seen over all that extra fluff.
Catnip Questions
How long is the high cats get from Catnip ?
Catnip only effect cats for about 15-20 minutes before they become accustomed to the scent ( a bit like when we wear perfume and cannot smell it ourselves after a while, but others still can ). The cat then needs to have a break from the catnip for a period of time before it will effect them again ( later that day or the next day ). Catnip has no lasting or negative side effects on cats.
How long do the catnip toys last?
Under normal use, they should last approximately 6 months. This can be reduced if your cat likes to suck on the end of the toy with the catnip in as it will lose its scent when wet much faster. In this case, I would recommend getting the large fish as they are made with a more hardwearing fabric to stand up to the extra love the toy will get.
If your cat is no longer interested in playing with the catnip toy for an extended period - It's time to get a new one ( once a catnip addict always a catnip addict ).
Click & Collect
I live in Otautahi, Christchurch - Am I able to pick up my order from you directly?
Yes, please email me littlelionsnz@gmail.com or call 022 632 5807 and we can arrange a time to suit